IFTTT - receive an email for new offers on ebay for that (rare) item you are looking for [update 2013-06-07]
i love ebay … ebay is to me what amazon is to others .. a place where i get any item … and with the help of ifttt you can even receive an email if there is a new offer available for that special/rare item you are looking for .. this is how it goes:
getting the RSS URL from ebay
first you have to search for that thing you are looking for .. in my case: the rare cd from “la boom” named “atarihuana” .. so i search for “atarihuana” .. specific enough in my case ..
then looking at the very end of the search page you will find the orange “RSS”-button: right-click that and
seems that ebay removed the RSS button due to the layout change (thanks to Dennis Lind for his comment!) .. the solution is as follows …
when i search for “atarihuana” on ebay.de i am presented with the following URL:
we now have to append “&_rss=1” (without the quotes) to the URL (and reload to verify that this awesome feature still exists) and thus result with the following URL
copy the url .. now head over to ifttt and create a new recipe for that RSS-feed to send you an email whenever a new item is added …
creating the receipe at ifttt
step 1: choose the trigger channel “Feed”

step 2: choose the trigger “New feed item”

step 3: insert the RSS feed URL

step 4: choose “Email” as action channel

step 5: choose “Send me an email” as action

step 6: you may edit the subject and/or the body (i added “ebay - atarihuana - " to the subject)

step 7: in the last step you may add a description and finally create the recipe

and that’s everything you have to do .. from now on whenever a new offer is added on ebay you will receive an email with that new item …
hope this is useful to you …